The Rural Broadband Policy Group is seeking endorsements from rural organizations, municipalities, entrepreneurs, and artists for our Net Neutrality letter to rural representatives. The letter will ask representatives to support Title II Reclassification, which guarantees Network Neutrality for rural communities:
“We are writing to ask you to stand up for the fair treatment of rural communities, entrepreneurs, and artists online. The Open Internet has given us the opportunity to revitalize Rural America’s local economies, share our culture with global audiences, and amplify rural voices in debates shaping our society.
But we are at risk of losing this valuable tool, even when 14.5 million of us cannot yet access it. The Federal Communications Commission is currently reviewing a plan that would allow two Internet lanes to be created: a super fast Internet lane for those who can afford it, and a slow Internet lane for the rest of us. This plan would hurt Rural America.
We need you to be our Rural Champion.
Ask the FCC to adopt Title II Reclassification and guarantee Network Neutrality for Rural Americans.”
We want to show strong rural support for Title II Reclassification and Network Neutrality, and we need your help!
See the full text and endorse our letter. Just send your name, organizational name, city, and state to
The Federal Communications Commission will take last comments regarding Network Neutrality September 15th. As rural representatives take their position on this issue, we want them to refer to this letter and know there is strong rural support for Network Neutrality from rural communities.
For more information on how Network Neutrality impacts rural communities, read the Daily Yonder op-ed by Edyael Casaperalta, coordinator of the Rural Broadband Policy Group.
Please share this call to action with your friends and networks.
Thank you for bringing your much needed rural voice to the Internet!
For more information, please contact Edyael Casaperalta, Rural Broadband Policy Group Coordinator, at