On September 26 from 1-2pm ET, the FCC is holding its first public event to educate consumers and consumer groups about the Tech Transition and how it will work. This is a good opportunity for folks interested in this issue to get a solid summary of the basics. The event will be streamed here.
As a reminder, the Technology Transition policy issues revolve around the phone system as a public utility, transitions from copper lines to wireless or Internet-based services, resulting service availability, network resiliency, rural call completion, and related issues.
Though an RSVP is not necessary, those planning to attend the event are encouraged to send an email to Techtransitionsinfo@fcc.gov by September 23. Please remember to bring a current, government-issued photo ID to enter the building on the day of the event.
In addition to watching the live stream online, online participants can submit questions during the questions and answers session by e-mailing livequestions@fcc.gov.
Please share this information with others in your networks.