Telephone service is changing.
Help us tell the FCC to protect rural consumers.
Join our webinar to learn more about these changes and how to respond.
“It’s time to comment: Tell the FCC to protect rural consumers.”
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
4pm-5pm Eastern
Register here.
Some companies want to change the technology they use to bring telephone service to your home.
A switch in technology could bring unwanted changes to the service available in rural communities.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is currently accepting comments about this issue, and it is important that rural voices are heard.
Comments are due February 5th.
Join Edyael Casaperalta, coordinator of the National Rural Assembly’s Rural Broadband Policy Group, and Jodie Griffin, Senior Staff Attorney and expert on tech transitions at Public Knowledge, to learn more about how these changes impact your home phone service and how you can tell the FCC to protect rural consumers.
Another way to comment: Fill out this *BRIEF SURVEY*
We’d like to know how your telephone service experience has or has not changed over the last few years. Please fill out this brief survey in English or in Spanish. We’ll make sure your responses are presented to the FCC.