Immigration and Rural America Roundtable

The Immigration and Rural Communities Working Group of the National Rural Assembly recently hosted a virtual “Immigration Roundtable”. Listen to the program below.

In July, the White House released a report entitled “Fixing our Broken Immigration System: The Economic Benefits to Agriculture and Rural Communities” which lays out a rural case in favor of comprehensive immigration reform.

This roundtable discussion featured representatives from the White House and rural advocates to discuss the report, the proposed comprehensive immigration bill S. 744, and answered questions from participants on immigration. 

Here’s a list of panelists:
– Felicia Escobar, Director of Immigration Policy, Domestic Policy Council
 Tirso Moreno, Director, Florida Farmworkers Association
– Erica Lomelli, Policy Director, UFW Foundation    


Drawing Resilience: Maureen Hearty

Maureen Hearty transforms objects, space, and community, seeing art as a tool for action, education, and opportunity. The majority of her community-based work today is on the eastern plains of Colorado, considered one of the most sparsely populated areas in the United States. In Joes, Colorado (pop. 78), she is activating space using art, music, and the collection of story. In 2020, Maureen and her friend Kristin Stoltz were awarded an NEA grant for a project titled “Arts for a Prairie Seas: Farming Fluxus.”

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