Share your story at Everywhere 2024
Learn how to submit your own video to the next Everywhere virtual event.
Do you have a story to share that highlights the nurturing and thriving spirit within rural individuals, communities, or organizations? If so, we want to hear from you!
The Rural Assembly is issuing a call for submissions for video stories and performances from rural people and organizations across the country.
These short videos will be shown as part of Rural Assembly Everywhere, a virtual event on August 1st.
Rural Assembly Everywhere: Nurturing Thriving Communities will delve into the wide range of topics that speak to what it takes for rural communities to flourish. In an election year, it often feels like we focus on problems more than imagining what it takes for us to thrive. That’s why this year’s Rural Assembly Everywhere will look at a wide range of topics – all which speak to what we need to nourish ourselves and our rural communities.
Submit a video for Everywhere
What should the video be like? The submissions can be documentary style, music, poetry, an interview, or just someone talking to the camera about these issues.