Delilah goes with us

By Whitney Kimball Coe
We’ve hit that strange lull between the Christmas holiday and New Year’s, when it’s hard to know where to sit in the house or which book to open. In other years, before the pandemic marooned us in our homes, these were the days my family would take to blue highways to visit old friends and neighbors, seeking distraction before confronting the new year. 

Pandemic or no, the suspension and suspense of this in-between time can be pretty dramatic — emotionally, that is. As the nights get colder, the countryside can feel lonely and desolate. The roads seem darker and more twisted, and tomorrow feels like a mystery. We need comfort and warmth, familiarity and connection. 

Enter, Delilah.
A recent NYTimes Daily podcast reminded me that there is a voice in the dark, urging us forward. Delilah is a syndicated radio host who has been on the air as long as I’ve been alive. This year in particular, I believe her program could be the soundtrack for this in-between time, while we wait, worry, and yearn for what comes next. 
For those of us not traveling blue highways this year, I’m happy to share a playlist of my favorite Delilah selections. I’m not sorry to include Rod Stewart, Rick Astley, or Kenny G. They’re in it for the long haul.
And we are, too. The Rural Assembly will be here on the other side of the in-between time. 
Comfort & joy to you,

Drawing Resilience: Caryl Hale

Caryl Hale is the executive director of the Norton Regional Health Foundation and amember of the Norton Arts Council in Norton, Kansas. Hale brings her experience in farming and foodsystems with her to both roles, helping to create rural health policies that center art and food production.

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Everywhere Workshops

Extend your Everywhere experience by registering for one or more of three workshops hosted with partners Aug. 6- 8th, the week following our mainstage programming on Aug. 1. 

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Rural Food Traditions: German breads

Welcome to Rural Food Traditions, a podcast series of Rural Remix. We’re starting where many meals across diverse food traditions begin: with bread. Food is a uniter; and across culinary traditions, bread is a common thread. In this episode, On this episode talk with Lois Keller about German breads.

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Rural Food Traditions: Biscuits

Welcome to Rural Food Traditions, a podcast series of Rural Remix. We’re starting where many meals across diverse food traditions begin: with bread. Food is a uniter; and across culinary traditions, bread is a common thread. In this episode, On this episode we are learning all about the art of making biscuits! Appalachian leader Margo Miller speaks about how a middle school competition led to a lifelong passion for biscuits and how she is returning to her roots through crafting and baking.

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