What if… (global/international)

  • What if the current global patterns of production and consumption result in 2 degrees Celsius warming of the climate, unleashing a chain of exponential environmental consequences, and we not only valued disaster planning and preparedness as much as economic growth, but applied the exponential environmental consequences we unleashed as a result of [illegible] global patterns of production and consumption, and we not only valued disaster planning and preparedness as much as economic growth and looked to rural communities to learn from and adopt their skills for individual and collective resiliency to this value transformation.
  • What if rural America becomes our country’s ambassador to promote global citizenship and membership. We already work, celebrate, and hope beyond borders. We have the experience. Let’s encourage our country to see each other as citizens and members of one planet. With this perspective, let’s ask: What values do we uphold? How do we practice those values? Let’s write our answers and print them on stickers that can be distributed in our communities, and let’s write them into ordinances that our cities/towns can adopt.