Rural America has smart and capable leaders. The Rural Assembly helps them lead, connecting them with tools, resources and each other as they build a more inclusive nation.

Rural people and places are frequently overlooked by policymakers, philanthropy, and mainstream media. Going forward, it will take thoughtful, consistent effort to restore rural voices to national conversations about how we create systems and policies that fully embrace all populations and geographies.

We believe rural America has a vital contribution to make to our national narrative and decision-making, and that rural leaders need more tools and support to take on that endeavor. That is why the Rural Assembly is committed to strengthening rural visibility and presence across convening, media, and policy platforms, from local to national. 

We also believe that building relationships and trust is the key to understanding and honoring our interconnectedness. That is why the Rural Assembly is committed to fostering relationships within and across rural places that lead to better solutions and a less polarized nation. We believe people and places that have been marginalized must instead be at the center of these relationships.

The rural experience is diverse and complex. By amplifying rural voices and leadership, the Rural Assembly ensures that rural people and places are actively shaping a more inclusive nation as culture-bearers, practitioners, influencers, and decision-makers.

The Rural Assembly is a program of

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