A new component of this year’s National Rural Assembly is Advocacy Day.
We’re excited to offer several opportunities to carry your message to federal officials and policy makers on the Hill. We want to help you advocate for issues that are most important to your communities and organizations.
These opportunities will take place on the final day of our meeting, September 10:
White House Rural Council Breakout Sessions. Meet directly with members of the White House Rural Council on Internet access and connectivity, education, food access, the philanthropy gap and more.
Congressional Briefing on rural child poverty. All are welcome to join us for a lunch-time briefing on rural child poverty in the Kennedy Caucus Room in the Russell Senate Building. We will address critical issues, such as Internet access and connectivity, education, food access, the philanthropy gap, and more.
Visits with policy officials on the Hill. If you would like help coordinating visits with staff and policy officials on Capitol Hill, please register for the optional Hill Day excursion here.
Policy officials need to see us, hear from us, and know that we are part of a collective effort to transform rural policy.