Rural leaders travel to D.C. this week

YouthBuild USA, a Steering Committee member of the National Rural Assembly, is leading its annual Conference of Young Leaders (CoYL), and the Rural Assembly is tagging along as a Rural Youth Caucus makes its way to the Hill to deliver messages to policy officials about what it means to live in rural America.  They’ll talk healthcare, broadband, workforce, and education among other things.

Stay tuned!

Drawing Resilience: Maureen Hearty

Maureen Hearty transforms objects, space, and community, seeing art as a tool for action, education, and opportunity. The majority of her community-based work today is on the eastern plains of Colorado, considered one of the most sparsely populated areas in the United States. In Joes, Colorado (pop. 78), she is activating space using art, music, and the collection of story. In 2020, Maureen and her friend Kristin Stoltz were awarded an NEA grant for a project titled “Arts for a Prairie Seas: Farming Fluxus.”

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