Kiran Singh Sirah

Kiran Singh Sirah

Title: President, International Storytelling Center
Session: Keynote
Time: TBA
Session Link: TBA

Kiran Singh Sirah is President of the International Storytelling Center (ISC).

Prior to his appointment at ISC, Kiran developed a number of award-winning arts, cultural and human rights programs in cultural centers across the UK and Ireland. Widely recognized for advancing storytelling as a tool for building social empathy and intercultural understanding, he has spoken and led programming at the Library of Congress, the Kennedy Center, the US Senate of foreign relations, US state department, and the Pentagon. 

Kiran champions his beliefs in the power of human creativity, arts, storytelling and social justice through his advisory role to UNESCO Scotland and through his service as a Rotary Peace Fellow. 

In 2017, Sirah was awarded the “Champion of Peace” recognition at the Rotary International Day ceremony at the United Nations in Geneva.

Kiran firmly believes Storytelling not only has the power to enrich lives, but it also holds the key to building a conflict free society.
