Rural Assembly Everywhere Happy Hour Sign-Up

Registration is now closed for all happy hours. Thank you for taking part in Rural Assembly Everywhere!

Thank you for registering for Rural Assembly Everywhere. You can sign up for a happy hour session below. Happy hours will take place each night after the conference from 7:30-8:30 PM ET and will be an informal opportunity to connect and network with others. Happy hours will feature a special guest or an organizational host who will offer a creative and interactive format for folks wishing to partake in a cultural exchange. Because each happy hour is capped at 50 participants and we want to make sure as many people have a chance to participate as possible we ask that you only sign up for one happy hour. Have questions or having trouble signing up? Contact us at 

About the Happy Hours

Monday, October 26th, 7:30-8:30 PM ET: Join us for an hour-long Rural Culture Happy Hour with ArtPlace America and Art of the Rural after the main stage programming and breakouts conclude at Rural Assembly Everywhere. Participation is capped at 50. The happy hour will be facilitated by Nikiko Masumoto, an organic farmer in California; Frank X Walker, author of eleven award-winning collections of poetry; and Brandi Turner, Programs and Events Manager with Sipp Culture. ArtPlace America is a collaboration among a number of foundations, federal agencies, and financial institutions. ArtPlace envisions a future of equitable, healthy and sustainable communities in which everyone has a voice and agency in creating contextual, adaptive, and responsive solutions. Their mission is to position arts and culture as a core sector of community planning and development.

Tuesday, October 27th, 7:30-8:30 PM ET: Join The On Being Project’s Civil Conversations and Social Healing Project for a soft landing after a long day. During this happy hour you will hear about the work of social healing, integrate some of what we’ve heard throughout the day, and do some discerning about your role to play in the days ahead.

Wednesday, October 28th, 7:30-8:30 PM ET: THE SCRAMBLER: A Speed-Meeting Happy Hour with Rural Artists, Creative Connectors & Cultural Connectors. Join rural artists, creative connectors, and cultural workers from across the country for this fun-filled, fast-paced way to meet your rural neighbors near and far! Grab a drink of your choice, put on a fun costume, hat or backdrop, and get ready to move quickly and connect freely with playful prompts, competitive challenges, and periodic dance parties! 

Thursday, October 29th 7:30-8:30 PM ET: Join the Center for Rural Strategies for a final happy hour full of networking, games, and icebreakers! Grab your drink and snacks and join us to close out a great week at Rural Assembly Everywhere.